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Virtual Gastric Band

Shape Your Future!

Imagination is much stronger than will power. See yourself not how you are, but how you would like to be. Hypnotherapy offers that bridge to access your true self, allowing your subconscious mind the possibility of achieving your goals.

Break the dieting chain!  Reach your true potential. Developing a slim, healthy and confident self-image.  Start feeling good about yourself and positive reactions follow.

Through hypnotherapy access your true self, see yourself how you would like to be and let your subconscious mind support your goals, re-programming your eating habits. Release the energy normally used for focusing on what you shouldn’t eat.  

Enjoy your food again without feeling the guilt of  constantly

watching what you eat, just naturally eating more healthily.

The programme supports weight loss, and helps alleviate  stress, developing a natural attitude to food, encouraging effective long-term weight loss and good health.  You can only achieve true success when the treatment simultaneously comes from the inside and the outside.

Client Testimonials

Clinical Trial - A Personal Experience from Becky in Wales.


I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity of undertaking a virtual gastric band through hypnotherapy in July 2011. The treatment was painless and very relaxing.  It was a total revelation.  Little did I know how much it would change my life?

Since the therapy I have lost almost three and a half stone.  I have also dropped four dress sizes.  This is only the start.  I have not only lost weight which has always been a massive issue for me but I feel fantastic.  The therapy has totally changed my approach to how and what I eat.  It has changed the volume of food I eat and the best thing of all is that I am not calorie counting or dieting, but losing weight naturally and easily.  I have also gained energy, motivation and confidence.  I am exercising daily and enjoying it which I never thought would happen.  I am the happiest I have been for many years and feel that I am getting control of my life back.  The virtual gastric band has given me a whole new lease of life and has worked for me where diets have failed in the past.

Other benefits have been that my blood pressure has lowered and I am able to walk about and have a normal life back.  I am very pleased with the results of the virtual gastric band and I would like to thank Nicola Schramm whole heartedly for giving me back control and a life.

A Personal Experience From Mary

"Meeting Nicola and attending her weight loss programme was like finding the golden key to myself. It has changed my way of thinking, feeling and looking at weight loss. But even more than that it has changed the way I view my life. I am much more aware of myself and my feelings, but more important to me is that my spiritual life has changed and I am constantly being told that I look so well, as if I have found some inner peace -and I feel I have. photograph of Mary before & after weight loss I have also done a lot of clearing out, not just old feelings and thoughts but also in my home. I have let go of the old stuff´in my mind, my life and my home"

In February 2004 Mary weighed 19 st 11Ibs and by March 2005 Mary weighed 15st 1Ib!

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